Mission 6 – septembre 2022
Mission Lesbos : Sarah Budd et Houri Alavi
Après la pause du mois d’août durant lequel le dispensaire était fermé, la reprise des soins a été assurée par Sarah Budd et Houri Alavi, venues d’Angleterre.
Arrivées le 25 septembre pour 2 semaines, elles ont inauguré le container clinique de Earth Medicine implanté dans le camp. L’une opérant dans le container et l’autre dans le dispensaire.
Beaucoup de patients ne connaissent pas l’acupuncture, mais perçoivent très vite le bénéfice procuré par les soins qui leur sont prodigués : quand ils arrivent chargés de douleur, leur visage reflètent soulagement et satisfaction quand ils repartent…
Leurs histoires de vie sont terribles, le chemin de l’exil est barbare et traumatisant, cependant, nous sommes toujours incroyablement étonnés de la résilience dont ils sont capables, et de la dignité avec laquelle ils vivent un quotidien difficile.
Quel privilège nous avons de pouvoir les accompagner et les aider.

With heavy hearts, Houri and Sarah left the clinic today, after ten wonderful days of treating refugees in the camp. There was a ray of sunshine though, as we met the next team from ASF/ MDC, Cecile and Thierry, at the airport on their arrival, which was really lovely. We have left them detailed notes of the treatments we have provided.
Things have changed since my last report, in that we have all been working in the container in the camp. When I say all, I mean the following: Two homeopaths, a physiotherapist, Houri and myself. This has been very challenging due to very limited space, but we did manage. Next week, it looks like the teams may be spilt again, so some in the container in the camp and some in the clinic in Mytilini. These decisions are often based on what is best for the patients. For example, a disabled woman whose container is a long way from the Earth Medicine container, with the conditions making it extremely difficult to transport her in a wheelchair, it is easier to pick her up from her container in the clinic van, and take her to Mytilini. For others, there is far better compliance if they can be seen in the container in the camp… and so it goes.
After 10 days, it is now possible to say how pleased we have been with the results of our treatments. Great improvements have been achieved in such a short time , particularly when acupuncture has been combined with physiotherapy, where this is appropriate. In some of the more difficult cases, homeopathy has been very welcome too.
We have also had the most wonderful assistance from our translators, especially young Asenat. !6 years old and self -taught very good English, and despite her own sad story, happy to arrive with a smile, and help with the Moxa sticks, and other general help. But the refugees keep arriving, and while some are moved on, others have been there for 2, 3 or even 4 years already. The emotional support we have been able to provide in these cases has been essential, and gratefully received